Check the sold price trend in your area

Search through property price paid data on over 14 millions properties in the UK.

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Finding sold data for your property

Before buying or selling a property you can check the previous sale history for it and similar properties on the same street. Check what the estimated values are today and even get them confirmed and refined through one of our estate agent partners. Use the search box above to enter the postcode of the property or the area you are interested in.

Detailed information

We will provide you with a lot of detailed information from a range of different data sources about the properties you look up, including the history of the sale price, the value trend of the property, and the approximate estimated price range calculated based on previous sale history and comparable property data. You can also check information on similar properties.

Want to check all the sold prices history?

We provide a comprehensive search service for checking the prices history of all the sold properties in an area. You can search by postcode to see all the sold houses’ price history.